Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Playground Talk

There is a playground between our house and our new church that has me completely perplexed. This playground is an average looking new playground. It’s nothing special, but it is new. It is located in the middle of a big lot of land on a very busy street. It’s a main travel street and not one that you can park on. Previously, there has been no parking at this park.

I’ve been baffled by it for a while. Justin wants to visit it. I think he wants to just because I’m baffled by it. It’s in the middle of an unlikely place with no way to really access it.

Well, we noticed Sunday morning that they are putting in a parking lot. This morning on my way to Bible Study, I notice about 4 to 5 construction trucks there and at least a dozen workers putting in the parking lot. I’m completely curious as to how much money this strange park is costing. Maybe I will be wrong, but I just don’t see the park getting a whole lot of use. There is no shade anywhere near it and is just an average park. I know that I won’t be running to visit it when the parking lot is done, but at least, there is parking now, but at who’s expense.

I’m just confused.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

oh i meant to comment on this - maybe they are getting ready to build a school there? or some other building? a rec center? maybe all the building is going backwards.