Monday, December 1, 2008

He's Always Been Faithful

If you don't know, you should know. Sara Groves sings my heart. It has always been that way. I suppose, as long as she stays close to God and I stay close to God, she will probably always sing my heart. There are few things that I go through, sometimes even daily, that doesn't bring one of her songs to my mind.

This morning it is He's Always Been Faithful.

Morning by morning I wake up to find the power and comfort of God's hand in mine.
Season by season I watch him amazed, in awe of the mystery of his perfect ways.
All I have need of his hand will provide.
He's always been faithful to me.
I can't remember a trial or a pain he did not recycle to bring me gain.
I can't remember one single regret in serving God only and trusting his hand.
All I have need of his hand will provide.
He's always been faithful to me.
This is my anthem, this is my song, the theme of the stories I've heard for so long.
God has been faithful, he will be again.
His loving compassion, it knows no end.
All I have need of his hand will provide.
He's always been faithful to me.

Paying bills is always stressful for me. We are currently on week 12 of 3-day work weeks for Justin. As talk has it, we have probably 7 or 8 more weeks to go. God has been faithful. As I sat down to pay the mortgage this morning, my stress level increased, thinking of the coming weeks. I went to take a shower and instantly, God reminded me of His faithfulness throughout all of this. Trust me, if I gave you details, your mind would be blown! God has been faithful and He will be again!

Jaden hasn't slept in 3 nights. Last night was the best, but in all, I was up with him 8 times. God is faithful! The two nights previously, Justin and I took turns and we maybe got 3 hours sleep each on those nights and it was stealing time here and there. I made him a doctor's appointment. We must find out what is going on. I've been reading a ton about fussy/high-need babies and he seems pretty typical and probably no end in sight, but I'm learning coping techniques and how to help him too. Those helped last night. God has been faithful and will be again.

For a while now, I keep saying that I need time away. Yesterday, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Justin and I haven't had any alone time since Jaden has been born. OK yeah, we get a little time here and there while the baby is sleeping, but to go somewhere outside the house completely alone, we haven't done that in more than 6 months, not since the morning before Jaden was born. Why had I not realized that? I called my mom, knowing that she has been busy and sick and stuff, but begging. She drove up and Justin and I went and got a cup of coffee at a cool little coffee shop on Douglas, then went to the mall for some cookies, then stopped at K-Mart looking for a fuse for the outside Christmas lights. Two hours and a world of difference later, we came home ready to go through another sleepless night. I can't believe it had been that long. We definitely have to make it more of a priority!

Today, I'm off to see the Gingerbread Man at Crown Uptown with Migc and his class. I've been reminded of the faithfulness of my Lord and I'm ready to embrace my day!

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